Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rehearsal in Epcor's Motel Theatre

Sunday's rehearsal was the first to be held in the Epcor Centre's Motel theatre, where the play will be performed later this week. The actors and directors worked out the blocking for this new space, taking advantage of the depth of the stage area. Finally, the cast did a run-through of the entire play, with sound, to the delight of all of us lucky enough to be there!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Herald Article and Photo Gallery

More media coverage to raise enthusiasm!

The Herald ran a lovely, detailed article yesterday on the Oedipus Evolving project, featuring Nigel's story. Read it here:

The photos used in the article were also published as part of an online gallery at

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


During yesterday's rehearsal, Susan presented some of the cast with their costumes for the first time. Oedipus, Corinthian, and Teiresias modeled their beautiful outfits, and we talked over some of the details.. including Corinthian's ultra-modern shoes.




After working on line memorization and articulation, Oedipus and Creon dress-rehearsed a scene, working out some of the action details. The costumes and movement really made the intense scene come alive! I especially liked watching Oedipus' intimidating, king-like postures smoothly fall away as he became more humble toward the end of the scene.

Finally, we celebrated Pat's new job!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Metro Article

Today, the project was featured in an article in the Metro! The article emphasized how the Mustard Seed Drama Club and the upcoming Oedipus Evolving performances are challenging misconceptions about the homeless community by showcasing their creativity. Check it out at

Oedipus Evolving Poster

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